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At the Threshold of the State of Europe: Economy, Defense, Ideology, and Protection of Sovereignty in a Transatlantic Perspective

Published: 13.09.2024

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The Ordo Iuris Institute, with the participation of the Heritage Foundation is proud to host the international conference: "At the Threshold of the State of Europe. Economy, Defense, Ideology and Protection of Sovereignty in a Transatlantic Perspective".


We are standing at the threshold of a broad treaty reform of the European Union. The 2021-2022 Conference on the Future of Europe, the Report of the Franco-German Working Group on EU Institutional Reform published on September 18, 2023, as well as the European Parliament's resolution on proposals for treaty change adopted on November 22 - have brought the issue of the EU's systemic transformation to a new level of the formal procedure envisaged by the Lisbon Treaty.

These actions have reopened the discussion on the direction in which European integration should go and the level of transatlantic cooperation in the most key areas of the functioning of sovereign states, such as defense, economy and social policy.

Addressing this discussion is particularly important during the election campaign period in the United States, the outcome of which could be decisive for the strength of sovereignty movements in Europe. 

The conference will be broadcast live. We will provide a link to the broadcast soon.

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